
Endangered Species

0 Comments 14 October 2011

Shows like Die Pigeon’s Endangered Species are, indeed, truly a rare breed. As I walked out into the Astroturf courtyard of The Parlour in Preston, I found myself marveling that such a strange creature could exist.

Endangered Species consisted of two short works, both written and directed by Bridget Mackey. The first piece explored a bizarrely dysfunctional couple’s relationship and the Giant Tuna Fish that has come between them. Their thirst for “fun violence” epitomized the play’s insightful explorations of the cruel and violent fantasies people create to escape the reality of their existence.

In the second piece, Vicious Cannibal Clowns have taken over and we find ourselves hiding in a tower with the three Kings and Benjamin, who may or may not ever wake up. To eat a burger would be worse than death, because you might end up like the fattest person Orton ever knew, a woman who grew so huge she filled up an entire room. The strange hierarchical dynamic between these characters were articulated with flair and the use of space in this piece was particularly excellent. The Vicious Cannibal Clowns want your blubbering white flesh to get fat so they can really sink their teeth into it and we, the audience, are left wondering at the bizarre excesses of our own society and the dire circumstances that could potentially lead to.

What feat of evolution led to the bizarre twists, gentle moments and downright weirdness that was Endangered Species? I’m still not sure I have the answer, but I’m certainly glad I trekked to the suburban jungle of Preston via tram, tram replacement bus and yet another tram to experience it. Now I know that seagulls explode if you give them panadol.

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