Adelaide Fringe 2014

Abandoman: Moonrock Boombox

0 Comments 20 February 2014

Abandoman: Moonrock Boombox

Reviewed by Alice D

Rob Broderick’s Abandoman: Moonrock Boombox is a must see show this Adelaide Fringe. So, in appreciation for Irish hip-hop improv at its best, the following review will take the form of a rap. Oh yeah  bitches, this is happening (please feel free to add your own beat-boxing)!


The crowd filed in through the Garden gate.

It was late for a Tuesday night

but anticipation was brewing then BOOM!

Abandoman came on stage in a blaze of light.

Outright, Rob B and his accompanist got a feel for the crowd,

a selected few had to speak their name and occupation aloud.

This banter made my sides split,

secretly hoping I wouldn’t be hit

for an answer and become part of the skit.

Some lucky few were called to the stage

and this is when it was Abandoman’s time to amaze.

They rapped songs of love, regret and middle-class bling

effortlessly stringing words together like it was no big thing.

The improv was stunning, truly the best

unfortunately when Rob asked the audience for suggestions there was  silent protest.

Until one brave soul answered for all the rest.

Their bravely given answer was then converted into song,

as the wave of applause came it was clear everyone was asking

‘Why haven’t we answered Abandoman’s questions all along?’

So, for their final act Rob asked us to hold something from our pocket into the air.

Every hand flew up as Abandoman proceeded to compose with remarkable flare.

As for what the Moonrock Boombox is I’ll let that be a surprise.

But, I’ll tell you, it did open my eyes

to the traditional types of hip-hop we have come to expect

until Abandoman came along and changed it into hip-hop I can actually respect.

There is something special about going to a performance that is going to be different every show

Abandoman is a must see, please definitely go.

Although, if you are scared of audience participation I feel bad for you son,

as even in the back row you cannot run!


Abandoman: Moonrock Boombox, Garden of Unearthly Delights – Idolize Spiegeltent, 21 Feb to 16 Mar

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