As a shy insect emerges from the undergrowth the bush gently rattles and shakes. Different shades of light poke through the holes in its cocoon as it begins to break apart. Is the creature physical or just an ephemeral being made out of light and colour? It is not however the body underneath that is the focus. Once unveiled the material itself takes on the characteristics of its former owner, as the body itself slips into a new skin.
Flashlight by Lauren Simmonds consists of many different creatures that all appear and disappear leaving behind a chrysalis of beauty. These forms gather in the space to create an exhibition of light sculptures, each with its own mood and unique qualities. On face value these are piles of plastic, paper and fabric but the story they tell in both their movement and stillness is akin in its tenderness to Sam Mendes’ famous plastic bag scene from American Beauty.
Like a ballerina in a music box she spins in her sequined pink dress. The fluffy pink material at her feet curling around her like a nest. Unlike Barbie however, this dress is from a drag queen not the local shopping mall. Movements reflect a woman’s role, the mixing of the batter and the patting of the face, as a soundtrack of misogyny plays in the background. Images are jarring and arresting stories are told and points made.
Girl by Bicky Lee intertwines personal stories with bigger pictures. Drawing on her life, Lee uses anecdotes from her childhood, satirical plays on ‘girl things’, pop culture references and confronting yoga sequences to make serious statements about what being a feminist means in the 21st century. Do feminists still refuse to shave their legs and like to be provocative about their vaginas? A guess would be probably not, but it doesn’t hurt to have a reminder every now and then that even though views on feminism are moving away from the ‘man- hater’ image gender equality is still rife today- both in homes and in parliament.
Flash/ Girl runs 18th- 21st September 2014 at Dancehouse.
Click here for more information about the show and to purchase tickets.