A smokey room is unveiled as bodies move cautiously around the precipice of the sacred space to their seats.
A pile of ice begins to melt, streaks of water slowly running down towards them.
As her body begins to move through the space a physical aesthetic establishes itself.
A one- two punch of strike and melt that continues throughout as phrases repeat in and out of one another seamlessly. Breath and force, like that of a martial artist, let the energy surge from one part of her body to another as if there is a rough sea inside her veins. Odes to traditional rituals abound both in movement and music as limbs pour out of socket joints and energy radiates from the pelvis. Then stillness. Naked arms clutch rocks of ice like precious children as minds meditate and bodies convulse.
Post Phase: The Summit Is Blue is a full- length dance work consisting of two parts. The first is a solo performed and choreographed by Chloe Chignell and the second a duet choreographed by Timothy Walsh. These two volumes of one novel combine to create an experience of great intensity. There is no denial that these are two bodies moving and literally freezing in the space whilst others look on. No pretence is made for the endurance these bodies are speaking in great bouts of shivers, gasps for breath and loss of balance- just honesty about the rituals being undertaken. Post Phase: The Summit Is Blue does not offer any answers as to why these rituals are undertaken but simply displays them with the body in the fore, showing the physicality necessary for these spiritual awakenings.
Post Phase runs from 18th- 21st September 2014 at Dancehouse.
Click here for more information about the show and to purchase tickets.