Crazy, crazy times. Seriously. Warfare rages on. Racial slurs and gender cusses are being bandied about from every angle in every direction. The seven degrees of separation principle is probably more like three or four now what with social media and the internet. Thank god there’s Die Roten Punkte to remind us of what really matters. What we really need in our lives: a bit of Eurovision pop rock madness.
Their show is titled after their fourth, upcoming album, Eurosmash! Although the most difficult question you can ask of this show is whether any of its real. Brother and sister duo Otto and Astrid Rot, otherwise known as completely-not-related-to-each-other Aussies Clare Bartholomew and Daniel Tobias, sport their awkward, faltering German accents with all the pride and bizarreness of every Eurovision winner we’ve raved about throughout the years. The siblings argue and snark their way through the show, but they are very excited to bring us brand new song selections from their upcoming album. And yes, the album is real.
Otto Rot is the guitarist with a full, golden heart. Astrid Rot is on percussion, and within her lies darkness. They bounce between dry, broken English banter and almost slapstick-like physical comedy before they eventually decide again that they should play some more music. Their sense of comedy is fantastic and the songs they perform can only be described as dance pop catchy.
Although the singing is sometimes less than perfect – even by the standard of awful you might expect from certain branches of Euro pop – their enthusiasm will certainly win you over.
They clearly love the Eurotrash stereotypes they’re grinding themselves up against, and this passion drives their weirdness. In the best possible way. When the two critters tear out onto the stage in their plastic eyeglass spaceships, you’d best get used to what they’re putting down. It’s a light kind of show with a huge energy upheaval from the vibrant duo.
With three albums under their belt, Die Roten Punkte seems more fired up than ever. Eurosmash! is the wildest piece of pie yet, and they seem to only ever be cooking up more and more. You’d best get onto this faux-German slice soon. They are sure to fill your guts with apple strudel laughs and leave a fat sausage smile on your face. Crazy, crazy times.
Click here for more information and to purchase tickets to the show.