By Rory Lowe
The Velvet Lounge
Friday 30th January
Review by Justine Spencer
I’m not going to lie, when I entered The Velvet Lounge, I was confused. Despite the name there was no velvet (only plastic chairs), and a jazz-techno keyboard-hip-hop rap band was playing where I expected to see Rory Lowe. Fear not, these folks aren’t only his supporting act but his supportive friends. Give them a few songs and Lowe appears.
Entering with a British accent that’s just inhaled a helium balloon, Lowe joins in on the rap, designating a song to the couples out there, encouraging them to make sandwiches for one another, before setting off on his choose-your-own-adventure-style show.
When you walk into The Velvet Lounge a card awaits on your chair, each with a different number; which of Lowe’s anecdotes you’ll get depends on which member of the crowd he calls upon. No two shows are the same.
This method of constructing his performance made it an authentic experience. With at least 61 stories to be told, it was refreshing to see Lowe laugh after a number was called and the story registered in his mind. It was evident in his expression how hilarious or absurd the moment was as the memory resurfaced; you could feel the nostalgia without living it yourself.
Lowe’s show is complete with spot-on impersonations, dad jokes and taking the mickey out of his stereotype; it would be worth viewing the show at least twice to see how the variations in stories affect the show’s quality. And to hear the Brit rap under the influence of helium – who on Earth doesn’t want to hear that hilarious combo?
Rory Lowe – Done sayin’ I’m done playin’ runs until 12th February at The Velvet Lounge and Mojo’s Bar. Check it out in the Fringe Guide here.