by The Last Great Hunt
Teatro 1 – Perth Cultural Centre
14th February
Items you will need: two adult men, lots of black lycra, and the leftovers of a carwash-come-crafternoon.
On entering Teatro 1 you are thrust in front of the two waiting performers and puppeteers. Experienced, cool, calm and collected, they welcome their audience and wait patiently for the show to begin. The lights drop, masks fall into place, and lift off.
Bruce launches with a bang; the first couple of minutes set the pace of the show. Whirring through events and characters, Tim Watts and Wyatt Nixon-Lloyd use the simplest of materials to bring to life a hoard of personas caught up in a thrilling action sequence. A block of yellow foam and a pair of floating hands is all it takes for these performers to create over a dozen characters and embark on an epic journey through the ups and downs of life, love and parenthood.
Confronted with atmospheric re-entry, fatherhood, workplace accidents, drug addiction, bionic eyes and time travel, Bruce must fight and endure to be the best man that he can be. The story is funny and ridiculous, but through the waves of laughter come moments of truth and struggle that strike home, particularly in a culture obsessed with the hero and fraught with the fear of missing out. While not a serious endeavour by any stretch, Bruce is clever enough t0 leave you aching at the sides and with more than a few casual quips to think about.
An endearing piece of theatre that makes something great from scraps in the garden shed, Bruce is creatively constructed, wonderfully written and skillfully executed.
Unfortunately Bruce has finished its run but you can follow his exploits here.
For more information on The Last Great Hunt visit their website.