Children’s Events The Circus Theatre
Saturday 7 February
The tent darkens dramatically and a sole spotlight highlights a small square of red mat. Smoke crawls along inside the tent, creating a thick moving carpet. The seats are filled with excited little bodies and flapping fans which attempt to compete with the stifling heat. The microphone briefly squeals and a voice comes whipping through the speakers: “We are! The Lords of Strut!”
A hint of Freddie Mercury, a tiny bit Blades of Glory, and a Disney level of concealed adults jokes; this show is exactly what you didn’t know you needed. In their Australian premiere, Ireland’s favorite acrobatic sons, Seamus and Sean-tastic flip, dance, bicker and banter their way through the show. An impressive mix of scripted shenanigans, dance numbers, breath-holding acrobatics and cheesy animal print costumes (with distinctive eighties flair) is an impressive feat in its own right, not to mention performing in the Australian heat. “Our wardrobe is for Ireland” Sean-tastic confesses, gesturing to his full tracksuit and velvet cap, “it’s not made for thirty seven degrees!”
With plenty of audience participation to keep little minds focused, and just enough naughtiness for the children to giggle and wonder if someone will get into trouble, the duo keep up a lively and believable brotherly banter, attempting to both share the stage and claim the limelight all at the same time.
Impressive stunts throughout have sell-out audiences sit in anticipatory silence, only to turn to raucous applause as each feat is completed. Their energy is astounding and needs to be commended: their charm, sharp wit and good humour keep things lively and you never know where they’ll take you next. With these two there are no lulls, you take each corner at full speed until you hit the finale with a bang.
Their intense concentration and professionalism smoothly transitions into winning smiles as they lap up the audience’s delight, and, as you sit there clapping, cheeky glimpses of something more peek through the child-friendly antics – it’s apparent that there’s much more to these two than just what you are seeing. I plan to buy tickets to their concurrent Fringe show CHAOS to find out more about this talented duo.
Lords of Strut: The Family Show will have their final performance Sunday 8th February. You can find tickets via the Fringe World guide here.