The guys from DamnitLeanne certainly have their certificates in smart-arsery; their quick fire responses had the audience laughing throughout Law and Disorder. All seven performers present a great show, filled with puns, jokes and general disorder.
Being an impro show, each performance is unique, demonstrating the artists ability to engage the audience without a script. Before the show starts, audience members undergo an interrogation spree by the actors. They are asked anything from “what’s in your backyard” to “where was your first kiss?” The answers were placed in hats to be drawn out throughout the show, each answer giving the actors the next clue to where their performance was heading. This process works well and involves the audience.
Based loosely off of Law and Order, the show takes us down the well-trodden path of a whodunit mystery. Using flashbacks the murder is quickly solved and the audience sees the perp get taken to court where everyone is subjected to a lie detector test—even the detectives.
Saturday’s show followed the discovery of a murder in a gym alongside three murder weapons: a bloody chicken, an egg slicer, and a bowl of custard. Spellcheck (Josh Rice), Kooper (Amy Sincock) and Vicky (Jack Jennings) certainly deserve praise for combining the weapons into a murder scenario.
Spellcheck was certainly a favourite, his easy going attitude and enthusiasm for riding velociraptors was very engaging. His acting was great, always seeming to throw in a twist when things were getting a little too smooth.
While there were some mistakes throughout the show, they were embraced and because of that, glossed over. At one stage, Spellcheck and Vicky were discussing openly whether the bloody chicken, one of the murder weapons, was alive or dead. The combination of excellent improvisation, audience participation and too-many puns made the show very enjoyable and kept the audience engaged throughout.