Melbourne Fringe 2011

Grammar Don’t Matter On A First Date

0 Comments 28 September 2011

That “punctuation can be the difference between a good night out and the sex offenders list” was just one of the life lessons comedian Mark Butler imparted on me at his show entitled ‘Grammar don’t matter on a first date’.

Or does it?

The show follows Butler’s experiences with various “grammar retarded” girlfriends as they fumble or deliberately rub their “eye shit” into the face of the English language. It is an engaging, often squirm-worthy show that will leave you itching to correct the blunders of grammar slobs everywhere.

Throughout the show examples of bad grammar are placed under pictures of a broken heart or a full heart as the crowd deems which is break-up worthy and which isn’t. Butler is laid back and relaxed; keeping the audience engaged with grammar questions, pop quizzes and a few deliciously grammatically incorrect tunes from his iPod. There is even the opportunity for one lucky grammar pedant to win a red corrections marker. That’s right folks – hold onto your exclamation marks!

While the grammar examples used are not all that original – think the your/you’re debate and the ‘ATM Machine’ tautology, the way in which the jokes are delivered are what gives this show its edge. Every second sentence delivered is a punch line and unlike some comedians Butler has no need to signpost each joke with a giant “LOL” (that’s ‘laugh out loud’ ignoramuses, not ‘lots of love’).

Despite it’s grammatical focus this show is also about relationships. Any person who has ever dipped their toes into online dating or who has been broken up with via text message will find comfort in a room that is amazingly full of similar experiences.

Moving seamlessly from joke to joke, Butler discusses topics like first date etiquette, babies, Chinese food and the Bogans of England. Although most didn’t envy Butler’s “self imposed grammatical cock block” everyone could agree that breaking up because your girlfriend thinks she’s more “intelligenter” than you is totally reasonable. There’s only three shows left, so, like, what are you waiting for? Check it out at the Portland Hotel.

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