Presented by Token Events
@ Rhino Room – Upstairs
SUNDAY 26 February (until March 4)
“The pretty-darn-good Gadsby”
Hannah Gadsby has beautiful painted nails but she also has a laser pointer on her belt. She also has both a sewing machine and is trying for her motorbike licence.
She’s conflicted like that.
But through a print of a 15th Century oil painting, Jan van Eyck’s The Arnolfini Portrait, Hannah Gadsby not only showcases her mad art-analysis skills (she holds a degree in art history, as you do…) but takes the audience on a time-traversing history lesson on marriage, at each stop offering some insight on how she would fit in (or not) as a wife.
This is mixed in with recounts of modern-day, cringe-worthy tales of futile advances from blokes, futile lady advice from blokes and the artistic connotations of oranges, providing a perfect cocktail of deadpan hilarity.
Having landed a regular spot on Adam Hills In Gordon Street Tonight since her last Adelaide Fringe appearance, in addition to guest gigs on Good News Week and the late-great Spicks and Specks, Gadsby has been given her well-deserved recognition in the form of several sold out fringe shows already this season (hint, hint: to be sure to get your tickets now – no, right now – I’ll wait…).
As you would expect, with Gadsby often musing on her life as a lesbian in past shows, her art lesson provides an underlying commentary on gay marriage, its proponents (which is unsurprisingly a large portion of the audience according to her late-show straw poll) and, more specifically, it’s opposers. What you don’t expect is the clever, endearing and relevant way that Gadsby approaches this particularly topical, super-emotive subject.
The eclectic, yet comfortable Rhino Room, which has played host to a number of Fringe favourites including Rove McManus, Ross Noble, Arj Barker, Adam Hills and Stephen K Amos, is perfectly suited to Gadsby’s art-themed show and she is certain to join its list of luminaries.
Without doubt her obvious passion for art combined with her signature self-deprecating storytelling is what makes the show sing and her quick drollness manages to draw belly-laughs even on the back of punch lines gone wrong and a minor microphone malfunction.
Hannah Wants A Wife is refreshing, smart and filled to the brim with sharp observational humour.
It’s all the things that seasoned Hannah fans will want and it will get any first-timers hooked. Yes, it will even draw in those with a Y chromosome.
Bring along some extra mullah and you can purchase her recent DVD, which she might even sign for you after the show if you’re super nice (and, to avoid disappointment, she doesn’t sign delicate bits, ladies).
You’ll laugh. You’ll be hit with some knowledge, both historical and contemporary. And, if you’re like me, you’ll probably come away wanting Hannah as your wife.
Well played, Gadsby. Well played.
Hannah Gadsby - Hannah Wants A Wife is showing until 4 March. Grab your tickets through Fringetix! Get yourself along.
If only I lived in Adelaide. This review sold the show to me, easy-peasy. Succinct, informative, excellent!