One of the best things about the Fringe is the opportunity for anyone to put on a show, making it possible to see works of wildly varying genre and content. Deeply Leisured with Queenie Bon Bon is one of those unique shows, presented with a quiet honesty at the grungy Mad Mouse Alley (for the uninitiated – save yourself some confusion and ignore the Currie Street address. Instead, find the entrance to Mad Mouse Alley off Light Square).
Previously performed at the Melbourne Fringe, Deeply Leisured is a one-woman show comprising a series of moments in Queenie’s life as a sex worker. Queenie Bon Bon sits at a small table, turning pages of a book as she recites her memories in a conversational delivery. She touches on work, relationships and politics, without becoming overtly political. What becomes clear is the joy she finds in working with people.
There is a small note on the chairs advising that while this show is a product of Queenie’s lived experience, it cannot reflect the experiences and views of every sex worker. This is only natural, and an idea that is discussed throughout the night: that we are all individuals, and no one individual is better than anyone else.
This show is difficult to review due to its nature – how can you judge someone’s memories? They are well structured and delivered, and the writing is peppered with humour. The stories’ progression is particularly well done, with the final memory containing a farewell to a client that doubles as a farewell to the audience. While it could sometimes benefit from clearer articulation, Deeply Leisured is an interesting and entertaining show. It should go without saying that those who are fazed by a little discussion of human anatomy are not the target audience.